
A Handbook of English for Professionals

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This Handbook of English is, in fact, meant for professionals as well as all levels and classes of learners. Having tought English language and literature for long years, I have conceived and designed this volume with a view to improving the communication skills and calibre of all concerned on a comprehensive fool-proof basics.
 Professionals of all shades, such as, engineers, technologists and business managers and administrators need a fair grasp of functional English, sufficient stock of vocabulary, a knowledge of different parts of speech, roots of words, prefixes and suffixes, different writing and speaking skills and formats. Enough space has been given to all these items in this handbook. In addition, items like videoconferencing, chairing meetings, foreign words and phases that one often comes across, a large number of idioms and phrases in day-to-day use, model formal and informal situational dialogues, public speech making, interview skills, group discussion, job-seeking techniques and phonetics have been amply covered in this volume.
 It is hoped that this handbook will be of much use to all professionals and learners.

1. Parts of Speech
 2. Punctuation
1. Features of A Good Sentence
 2. Paragraph
 3. Essay
 4. Synposis
 5. Report Writing
 6. Letter Writing
 7. Note-Taking
 8. Concord
 9. Common Errors
 10. Listening Skills
 11. Fast Reading Skills
 12. Reading Comprehension
Spelling and Pronounciation
 2. Prefixes and Suffixes
 3. Synonyms and Antonyms
 4. Foreign Words and Phrases
 5. Words and Expressions to Avoid
 6. Analogy
 7. Pairs of Words Often Confused
1. Phonetics
 2. Oral Presentation Skills
1. Communication
 2. Modern Office Technology
 3. Idiomatic Expressions
 4. Job-Seeking Techniques
 5. Building a Team
 6. Team Leadership
About the Author:
Dr. P. Eliah
, a former Professor of English, has 50 years of teaching and research experience. He worked in different capacities and participated in a number of national and international seminars, workshops and orientation programmes and presented papers and published articles, in addition to the present volume, Dr. Eliah has published two volumes of English poetry and a good number of reading materials besides occasional essays and short stories.Dr. Eliah obtained his Ph.D Degree from I.I.T Delhi on the topic Mark Twain's concept of Man and His Institutions.

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ene. 2021

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