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Production Technology

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$1.541,94 MXN

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Production Technology covers all aspects of conversion of raw materials to finished Products. This book gives a comprehensive knowledge of Metals, Alloys, Plastics, Mechanical working of metal, foundry, welding, powder metallurgy and heat treatment of metals to students of Mechanical, Production, Engineering of 2nd yr B. Tech and Automobile engineering at Engineering Colleges. This text is also very much useful for AIME students and for students who appear for GATE. Features • Provides information on manufacturing processes to the budding students in a very simple way. • The material is presented systematically so that the students can grasp the concepts very easily and keep in their minds for a long time. • Chapters such as Cast Irons, Solidification, Special Moulding Processes are expanded to make the text matter more comprehensive.
Contents1. Ferrous Materials, 2. Non - Ferrous Alloys, 3. Plastic Deformation of Metals, 4. Mechanical Working of Metals, 5. Foundry, 6. Welding, 7. Plastics, 8. Powder Metallurgy, 9. Heat Treatment of Metals
About the Author
L. Krishna Reddy is presently working as Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KSRM College of Engineering, Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh. He has more than a decade of experience in teaching. He did his graduation and post graduation in Metallurgical Engineering at Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal. He obtained his Ph.D in 1984 from Indian Institute to Technology, Madras. He has presented several research papers in various conferences and authored two text books on Engineering Materials Science and Principles of Engineering Metallurgy. He is a member of Institution of Engineers (India), Institute of Indian Foundrymen and Indian Society for Technical Education.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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