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The professor’s role in jesuit universities today.
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In this notebook, the author shares the four characteristics that he believes should be present in the reflection on education and teaching, and should inspire the role of the professor in Jesuit universities today: To be mystagogues with their own life experience; to be friends of the por (or at least to have and bring out in others some kind of sensitivity towards the underprivileged and oppressed); to be a witness, that is, to show love in deeds rather than in words; and to know how to evaluate and self–evaluate, to be self–critical. In this context, the professor is called upon to be a pedagogue, someone who educates, i.e., who takes the best of herself (exdúcere) and leads the way toward knowledge (educare), as well as a mystagogue, someone who gives a taste of what drives and motivates her, someone who incites and draws out the desire for something more. A useful reflection for today’s world.
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