
WTF is purpose? And everything else I learned while trying to make sense of it

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Do you feel you have the power and duty to change the world? Do you yearn to make a positive impact on society through your work, family, or spiritual life? Or do you feel that despite having everything in life -- health, career success, family and money -- there is still a void that prevents you from achieving fulfillment? Are you looking to inspire and lead your company on the path of purpose? Are you thinking about what your legacy will be? Do you feel it is time to start living with greater passion, meaning, transcendence and motivation?
This inspiring and tremendously human book, in a simple and practical way, will help you identify and find your path to purpose, through self-knowledge and reflection, in order to discover what your place in the world is, and how to achieve a fully happy life. There are different books that talk about the subject of purpose, but always as part of another concept such as confidence, motivation, meaning or passion; there are also philosophies such as Simon Sinek's Golden Circle or the Japanese Ikigai, which are excellent tools but do not fully explain what purpose is, and the answers are not found entirely in one particular discipline such as positive psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, theology or neuroscience, but partially in all of them.
All of the above led the author to develop her own philosophy of life and methodology. She baptized it as "telos" and allows us to enter into the world of purpose from its richness and complexity. To do so, she breaks some current paradigms and prejudices and then develops what she considers to be the four essential elements of telos: authenticity, passion, meaning in life and transcendence. The author seeks to demonstrate with science and evidence that with the presence of these four elements, people experience a transformation in our values, unleash unimaginable potential and discover true happiness.

Detalles del Libro

feb. 2022

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