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Engineering Physics

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During the past three decades engineering has witnessed dramatic changes. In the days gone by, one would think impossible what is possible now. The modern technological advancement has acquired a unique status and reputation in almost all the segments of engineering and physics the base of all.
 Salient Features·
Text of this book is simple, coherent and complete·
All topics in the book are in simple language·
Illustrations and diagrams are used in effective way to explain difficult topic·
Mathematical steps are clear, complete and step by step·
Large number of questions on each topic with previous year examination questions of different universities·
Solved numerical examples on every topic·
Large number of numerical problems after every chapter· Numerous objective problems as well as short questions according to new pattern of examination
Contents1. Relativistic Mechanics, 2A. Interference, 2B. Diffraction, 3A. Polarisation, 3B. Lasers, 4. Radiation, 5A. Wave Mechanics, 5B. X-Ray Diffraction, 6A. Dielectric Properties of Materials, 6B. Magnetic Properties of Materials, 6C. Ultrasonics, 7. Electromagnetics, 8A. Superconductivity, 8B. Science and Technology of Nanomaterials, ANNEXURE: Fiber Optics
About the Authors
Ashutosh Asthana obtained his Post Graduate degree in first division from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, with specialization in Nuclear Physics. He is a recipient of Gold Medal during graduation and got fellowship from the Government of Uttar Pradesh. He has qualified CSIR- UGC, N.E.T and GATE in Physical Sciences. He is actively involved with the innovation in sciences at the junior level. Currently he is Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at R.R. Institute of Modern Technology, Lucknow, affiliated to Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. He had participated in many National and International Conferences. He had participated at 'IIIT Allahabad, in 'Nobel Laureate Conclave' held in December 2008 and at Summer School on 'Renewable Energy Based Technology' at National Institute of Technical Teachers training and Research held in August 2009 at Chandigarh. He is pursuing his research work on 'Solar Radiation and to Evaluate the Performance Index of some PV modules'. His areas of interest are: Renewable energy resources, high energy physics and nano-material technology.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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